ICT Print Media at Tamaki College

ICT Print Media is an academic course that focuses on applying Print Media design skills and ICT within the context of technology education.

Students use industry standard ICT software, including Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, and apply the design process to develop solutions based on a specific design brief that is developed by the student.

The course aims to develop skills and knowledge in planning, critical analysis, design, production and evaluation using a range of ICT peripherals.

The following blogs are examples of student work (some requesting feedback on different aspects of design), interviews and completed portfolios.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tamaki Story Concepts - Satuala

The following are sketches of concept ideas for a pamphlet about the "Tamaki Story". Could you please provide feedback on the placement and layout of text and images. Digital concepts will be developed based on the feedback.

Thank you, Satuala

1 comment:

Ebenezer Moses said...

Hi Satuala...
I think that you should stay away from designs that are too rigidily grid like with the layout. If you make the images spread out a little more over to the writing part of the design, so that it is less symmetrical will give the overall design and layout more movement and dynamics. Don't feel that you have to keep your images within a "box", maybe cut sections from pictures so they are no longer rectangular.
Miss Ferguson. :)