ICT Print Media at Tamaki College

ICT Print Media is an academic course that focuses on applying Print Media design skills and ICT within the context of technology education.

Students use industry standard ICT software, including Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, and apply the design process to develop solutions based on a specific design brief that is developed by the student.

The course aims to develop skills and knowledge in planning, critical analysis, design, production and evaluation using a range of ICT peripherals.

The following blogs are examples of student work (some requesting feedback on different aspects of design), interviews and completed portfolios.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tamaki Story Concepts - Francis Kolo

Please view the concept ideas for a calendar that I will producing about the Tamaki story. I would appreciate any feedback on the layout of the different images and text in terms of where they have been placed in relation to each other.

Thank you, Francis


Tamaki College said...

hi Francis..
I like the overlapping images design as it is a contrast to the very ordered layout of the dates of the month. It might be nice to try a more unconventional way of showing the dates. They dont have to be laid ot in the "traditional" calendar way. Mrs Moore has a really interesting calendar in her office... you could sneak a peak.
Miss Ferguson

Tamaki College said...

hi again Francis
i've had another idea... you could use the layered idea but have the one on the top as the point of focus. As the others layer away behind that one, you could take the opacity down so they slowly fade as they go back. You could then use the same set of 12 photos but a different order so a different one on the top each month.
Miss Ferguson ( again !!! )

Eric said...

All looks very professional! Well done. Mr G.